Metallurgy 505 x 655  Oil on Linen


the fruits of Fire, Forge and Furnace

Metallurgy 505 x 655  Oil on Linen

Metallurgy 505 x 655 Oil on Linen

Cast and Pressed  400 x 400 Oil on Linen

Cast and Pressed 400 x 400 Oil on Linen

Brass and iron, glass, and pottery. These are things that remain and endure through time. The objects in these paintings represent those things that emerge from the metal worker’s forge, the glass blower’s furnace and the potter’s kiln.

Royal Doulton I   250 x 250

Royal Doulton I 250 x 250

They are the remains of moments of creativity in the service of everyday life. Objects made to serve routines and beautify ways of life that now remain only in fragments of memory, images of childhood and the stories of our parents.

Royal Doulton II   250 x 250  Oil on Linen

Royal Doulton II 250 x 250 Oil on Linen

Silver Copper Brass 250 x 300

Silver Copper Brass 250 x 300

Their works remain - links to past ways of life and to the dreams and hopes from which we ourselves emerged. A wedding gift, a souvenir, a small treasure carried from home to anchor new endeavors.

Arrival  450 x 450 Oil on Linen

Arrival 450 x 450 Oil on Linen

Salter  350 x 450  Oil on Canvas

Salter 350 x 450 Oil on Canvas

What survives is often random. Everyday things become treasures, because we see in them a form of beauty that outlives the practical.

Aluminium Study   350 x 350

Aluminium Study 350 x 350

Tuesday Still Life   250 x 400  Oil on Linen

Tuesday Still Life 250 x 400 Oil on Linen

Liptons '24   250 x 250 Oil on Canvas

Liptons '24 250 x 250 Oil on Canvas

Born of fire, they reflect and refract the light that living things absorb and turn to flower, flesh and blood. Though solid, they are but ghosts.

Protea with Cast Iron  400 x 400

Protea with Cast Iron 400 x 400

Floral Study with Secateurs  350 x 450  Oil on Linen

Floral Study with Secateurs 350 x 450 Oil on Linen

The flower lives, transforming light to substance, until the secateurs’ bite consigns it to the world of shadows.